Strategy and Peace

Yesterday I was lucky enough to spend Sunday at the oasis that is One Mile Beach in NSW. When I say “lucky” of course I don’t really mean it was by luck or by chance, it was a very strategic decision to be at this beach on this day.

The start of this year has been incredibly busy and I felt myself slipping away by the end of last week (and it’s only March!). My key focus on “health-first” was not being prioritised and instead I was in the masculine energy, being endlessly task driven. After lots of re-proritising (and saying NO to everything else) I managed to successfully calve out half a day to hit the beach and it was exactly what I needed.

I even tried surfing with my eleven year old son.
I find trying something new always awakens my spirit and energy.

As I left the beach something cemented itself within my mind:
When we create space and opportunity for positive experiences, energy and clarity, we naturally become more peacefully strategic.

The last twelve months in business has been such an eye opener - which is bizarre to admit after 20+ years in Branding, Marketing and Comms. Where once we marketers thrived from a scatter gun approach, hitting as many touch points as possible, the opposite is now much more effective.

Purposeful and intentional content and comms is much more effective.

When we can be clear, and continually fine tune, we see the best results.
We must be clear on:

  • our niche offering/s,

  • our target market/s,

  • our marketing touch points,

  • how and why we use those touch points

  • our understanding of our own purpose in business and how we effectively communicate that purpose to help others

  • how the current branding does/doesn’t reach the right target audience

I believe that in 2024 we will see businesses who haven’t yet taken time to be clever, analytical and strategic start to close their doors. This is of course sad but it then leaves greater opportunity for others to move into position - the game of chess continues.
We have seen this in every recession (not that we should mention that word).

The challenge is, as usual, how risk adverse you are and how mentally strong in times requiring resilience. How does your mind work, for you or against you?

If you need help to navigate any of the above then, like anything specific to experience, you should seek the help of a professional and you need to do so quickly. The longer things are left the same the more the business will slide south. Perhaps even an evaluation, followed by recommendations, could help you to gain greater clarity. Tribe Hunter offers this over a 3-day session package “Strategy Made Peaceful” aimed to challenge and invigorate - reach out if you’re interested and would like more detail.

We wish everyone speed and success as the crunch months approach!


"Everyone is not your customer"  Seth Godin.