"Everyone is not your customer"  Seth Godin.

Everyone? No, not everyone.

But how great would it be if EVERYONE was?! The fun, and art, of marketing would be lost of course… but that’s simply a minor detail.

What would you score yourself out of ten for understanding your target market/s or as Seth Godin would say “Viable Audience”? Are you still pitching at everyone or have you narrowed down?

Do you know who is, and who is not, your viable audience?

How long has it been since you have further developed your strategy around client/customer/stakeholder engagement and retention?

Is your approach to marketing a little too scatter gun? Are you wanting to grow connection and loyalty where it matters most - and save time, energy and money in the process?

Is your current client your ideal client? Why? Why not? Where are you heading and why?

You can save huge amounts by better understanding your existing clients/customers/stakeholders and analysing untapped market opportunities.

Segment your audience by what connects them to you, their interests, their demographics and socioeconomic status, and their digital behaviours. 

Drill down into your audiences, and get a granular understanding of your key buyer personas and what drives them. Make sure you know their needs, their challenges and of course - how you/your product or service - can help them or enhance their life.

Enhance your marketing strategy, merge your traditional buyer personas into dynamic audience segments. Review regularly, use the data.

Don't waste time trying to reach customers where they are not. Be ruthless in prioritising platforms and places where you know your clients are likely to be. If in doubt test. Then test some more. Use data analytics to show you the way forward. 

Survey if you need to. Reach out to those in your target market and ask them if they can help you to fine tune your business via clever (and minimal) market research for a little gift. See the market research connection as another chance to develop loyalty and establish a stronger relationship. Perhaps even a chance to try your product or service? What a hook!

Really, REALLY, know what who your target audience/s are (for each of your products/services) and how to connect with them. Then develop your interaction / content pipeline. Don't waste your time by not having the right steps in place... and certainly don't waste your potential buyers time.

Most of all, enjoy this part of the planning process, it will give you a clear mind, strong direction, and present you with greater outcomes for your effort (and money). A juicy reward in itself!

If you need help then let us know, that's what we are here for!


Strategy and Peace


Takeaways from Re-Imagine Regional Business